Group work, it's been difficult trying to get all the members together at the same time, there have been complications as one of the group members was placed into two groups and is no longer in our group. Sad to lose a group member already, puts a little more pressure on! But our group is trying really hard to get our taskes done. I found the learning guide is not reflecting what is expected in the rubric for assignment 3, with debate on what the task intales we as a group looked on the companion website and through the lecture which was posted last week to help us gather an understanding of the tasks involved. from watching the lecture I feel it helped us dramatically and am thankful for that tool.

Looking over the text for this unit meaningful learning with thecnology it has really helped me with understanding that technology is forever evolving and we as future teachers need to stay upto date and learn how to use technology with assisting our teaching in the classroom.

Group work is going well we have come up with suitable times to meet up and get into our assignment, we are basing it on the solar system and hope to make a great presintation.